Wanted — “Old Style” Consort Recorders by Adrian Brown (pre ca. 1995) I’m looking for at least one c-tenor to complete an old Adrian Brown consort recorder set. Specifically looking for the older type, from pre 1995, when Adrian still used perfectly round blocks. Other […]
All posts filed under “Wanted”

Wanted — Bob Marvin Ganassi-type 460 g Alto Recorder
Wanted — Bob Marvin Ganassi-type 460 g Alto Recorder I’m looking for a Ganassi-type alto in G by Bob Marvin. I remember having an epiphany some years ago while playing on one. I was in the process of buying one from Bob, but he has […]

Wanted: David Coomber 415 Alto Recorder
Wanted — David Coomber 415 Alto Recorder I am looking for a David Coomber 415 Alto Recorder. Maker: David Coomber Pitch: A = 415 Hz Please contact this recorder player via the form below if you happen to have one for sale. Thanks! Contact Become […]

Wanted — Eagle “Ganassi” Soprano by Adriana Breukink
Wanted — Eagle “Ganassi” Soprano by Adriana Breukink I am looking for one of Adriana Breukink’s Eagle “Ganassi” soprano recorders in C. I am most interested in one of the recorders made with the ‘Solar (exhaler)’ head joints with a smaller windway, but I am […]

Wanted — Bassano consort recorders by Adriana Breukink
Wanted — Bassano consort recorders by Adriana Breukink A professional recorder player is looking for Bassano consort recorders by Adriana Breukink at A = 466 Hz (any sizes). Please contact them via the form below if you happen to have one for sale. Thanks! Contact […]

Wanted — Paetzold great bass in C
A composer and professional player is looking for a second-hand Paetzold great bass in C – ideally in birch. Would also consider larger instruments. Based in London, UK. Wanted — Paetzold great bass in C Contact Become a Patron!

Fred Morgan Recorders Wanted (Any Size or Type)
A professional recorder player is interested in purchasing Fred Morgan recorders. In principle, they could be of any type or size, with a particular interest in the following models: Size in after Alto g’ Bressan Alto Eb Bressan Alto f’ Denner Soprano 6th flute d” […]

Wanted: Original recorders. Any size or type
A professional recorder player is interested in getting original recorders. To make it clear: old recorders from 16th – 18th centuries. In principle, they could be of any size or type. Offers should be at standard current market prices for these instruments, not higher. If […]

Wanted: Steenbergen Moeck alto (A = 415Hz)
Wanted: Steenbergen Moeck alto (A = 415Hz) There’s a professional player who is interested in getting this particular model. If you’d like to sell yours, please contact them: