How to Sell Your Instrument

(Or, How to Place A Wanted Ad).

1. Make your secure payment

To pay for an ad, you are free to choose between one of these services: Wise (€10 per ad), PayPal or Stripe (€11 and €12 per ad, respectively, as they charge a fee). If you wish to pay with Wise (which is the cheapest and will get you some benefits if you sign up using this link, although it is not required), please click on one of the following buttons, depending on the number of instruments you wish to advertise. For PayPal and Stripe, see below. If you’re a Patreon supporter, you can get monthly discounts and even free ads! More details below.

a) Pay with Wise:

Transfer €10 Transfer €20 Transfer €30

  • Here are two extra €10 Wise links in case the above €10 ad link has expired (Wise links expire after a single use, and the most used ad is the €10 ad)
  • If you would like to sell more than three instruments and pay with Wise, please contact me and I’ll send you a custom payment link. Alternatively, you can also pay for as many ads as you need by using the PayPal or Stripe buttons below (but again, Wise is the cheapest option)

b) Pay with Stripe:

c) Pay with PayPal:

How many recorders would you like to sell?

Info for Patreon supporters

As mentioned above, your Patreon membership entitles you to the following benefits:

  • The “Cylindrical Recorders” patrons get a 3 € monthly discount. You can use this link to benefit from it
  • The “Flared bell Recorders” patrons get a 5 € monthly discount. You can use this link to benefit from it
  • The “Consort Recorders” and higher tiers get one, three or even five free ads per month, so you can just skip this step and jump to step 2. Info.

Become a Patreon supporter to unlock free ads on RFS! 👉 Let’s change the current pay-per-ad model! See how.*

Become a Patron!

2. Info. Please send me all the relevant information about your instrument

You can use this contact form. Please include links to 2–3 photos of the instrument in the largest box at the bottom of the form (current state of the instrument, links to photos & comments). See more details about the photos in section 3 below.

*Note: If you’re using Google Drive, please remember to change the privacy settings for your files or folder so that anyone with the link can access them. Here’s how to do it. You could also use other services like WeTransfer.

3. Photos: send me links to at least 3–4 pictures of your instrument

Photos are essential, and I will not post an ad without them: people want to see a recent photo of your instrument! Experience has shown that the more pictures you send, and the better the quality, the faster your instrument will sell.

Important: The required size for the smallest side of your image is 970 pixels (minimum size: 970 × ≥970 pixels). If your photo is too narrow, your instrument will not appear in full on the homepage; only part of it will be visible. Please ensure there is enough space around the instrument. See an example below:

Figure 1 (left): Correct photo size proportions – 970 px width
Figure 2 (right): Wrong photo size proportions – less than 970 px width

Also important:

  • Please don’t email me your photos. Instead, upload them to Dropbox, Google Drive, or a similar service, and include the download links in your message above.
  • Recommended: Take your photos against a white background, clearly showing the most sensitive parts of the recorder: window, beak, thumb hole, etc. See an example here.

As soon as I have the information and photos, I’ll post them. Usually within 2–3 working days, but please be patient if it takes a little longer: I still have to practice! 😉.

When the recorder is sold, just let me know and I will mark your ad as sold.

4. Questions?

Feel free to contact me, but please read the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page first. Your question may already be answered there.

Visit the FAQ page

5. Sales contract

The FAQ page also contains a useful sales contract and some recommendations.

Thank you very much!—VP.