Wanted: Original recorders. Any size or type


A professional recorder player is interested in getting original recorders. To make it clear: old recorders from 16th – 18th centuries. In principle, they could be of any size or type. Offers should be at standard current market prices for these instruments, not higher. If you’d like to sell one, please contact them using the form below. Thanks.

Original recorders wanted (any size or type)


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Recorders for sale is ad-free and takes me quite many hours a month to update, and quite an investment—website, domain & hosting—to sustain. But, fortunately, this is proving to be very helpful for a lot of people. If you find any joy and value in what I do & wish to support my work, website investment & time spent with online publishing, please consider supporting us with a donation of your choosing. You can do so through this link or clicking the button below. Any amount will help. Thank you!

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Thanks for reading. I’m a recorder player, improviser, researcher, and educator. I’m one of a small group of early music performers who focus entirely on improvisation. “Mr. Parrilla and company go all out.”The New York Times. Read more · Follow me on Bluesky and Mastodon.