If you find this site useful or valuable, please help me continue by supporting my work at recordersforsale.com
Recordersforsale.com is an ad-free, independent recorder resource created by Vicente Parrilla in 2015. The site receives over 9,000 visits per month. It’s expensive and time consuming to run, but fortunately, with over 400 instruments sold so far (and counting), it’s proving to be a very helpful resource for recorder players. About 99.9% of the site’s visitors do not support the site financially in any way (which is fine), but if you would like to help make RFS a sustainable side project and keep the site running for years to come, here’s how you can help:
- You are welcome to donate through Stripe. Use the form, scan the QR code or use this link. Any amount will help
- You can also donate using either the PayPal button on the left or via this link.
- Alternatively, you can share RFS with your friends and colleagues—this site has grown entirely by word-of-mouth, so a link on your blog or a mention on Twitter would mean the world to me
Thank you! —VP.