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M. Fedorov 19th century czakan — extremely rare!
- Model: M. Fedorov (St. Petersburg, 19th century), instrument maker to the Tsar of Russia Alexander Nikolaevich Romanov (1818–1881)?
- Pitch: E-flat 440 Hz
- Wood: boxwood with ivory rings on bell
- Ships with insurance from Europe [July 2019] / USA [from Aug 2019]
- Price: € 2600-3000 [highest bid]
- Current state: instrument still works but needs restoration: windway damaged / new pads for keys needed. Gorgeous thumb rest (cut out of wood middle joint). Extremely rare instrument!
Makers mark:
M. Fedorov
С.[анкт-]П.[етер-] БУРГБ
[St. Petersburg]
М. ФедоровБ
More info:
The musical collection of the Sheremetev Palace
Head of the museum “Sheremetev Palace – Museum of Music”
Olga Velikanova (email)
tel: (812) 272–38–98
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